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Rick Law
Rick Law

Elder Divorce

On Behalf of | Dec 23, 2024 | Divorce

Why would anyone get a divorce at such an advanced stage in life? People may wonder why their father or mother might want a divorce late in life, but the easy answer is that the elderly face the same problems that we all do.

Love and money are the two main reasons to get a divorce. Elderly people fall out of love just like everybody else. Sometimes the situations that the elderly end up in could be a driving force for divorce. For example, if your father and mother enter a retirement community, then they are exposed to a whole new group of people. This could lead to one or both of them wanting to spend a significant amount of time with another person in the community.

It’s no secret these days that the elderly are more susceptible to financial abuse. Financial abuse can occur from outside the family, or even inside the family. When it occurs outside the family, it is typically from a scam through the internet. And when it occurs from inside the family, it could be that one or both spouses are giving away marital assets to any number of family members. Regardless of whether this financial abuse is outside or inside, it could put a strain on the marriage. Sometimes it may be necessary for one spouse to seek a divorce in the event that the other spouse is in denial about the situation of financial abuse.

If you have a loved one going through this, or are going through this yourself, please call Rick Law, LLC today and ask for Andrew Skomorucha, Esquire to have a consultation and assess your situation.