Successfully Defending Health Care Providers
The Health Care Litigation & Risk Management lawyers at Rick Law provide a variety of legal services to health care providers, including hospitals, medical groups, individual physicians and anyone else in the healthcare industry. These services include education and training.
Our health care litigation lawyers, led by Edwin L. Stock, have decades of experience with medical malpractice cases. They know what it takes to successfully defend medical providers in lawsuits brought against them. Our attorneys have gained invaluable experience with a myriad of medical issues from understanding the best approach to litigation to knowing how to choose the right expert witnesses for each case.
Our Health Care Litigation & Risk Management legal team actively explores alternative methods of dispute resolution (ADR), such as mediation and arbitration. Throughout the litigation process, from the filing of suit, through motions practice, discovery and settlement, ADR, or trial, our attorneys provide complete guidance every step of the way. We are continually aware of the toll litigation takes on medical providers, both on the corporate and individual levels, and attempt, whenever possible, to have parties dismissed from litigation at an early stage. Our attorneys do their utmost to make certain that clients are fully prepared for all stages of litigation including discovery depositions and testifying at trial.
Rick Law is also well versed in the legal framework in which health providers practice today. This includes the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA); the Health Information Technology (HITECH) provisions of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009; the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (EMTALA); the Medical Care Availability and Reduction of Error Act (MCARE); the Medicare, Medicaid and SCHIP Extension Act of 2007 (MMSEA); and Pennsylvania’s Medical Assistance Third Party Liability Law/Fraud and Abuse Control Act. Our attorneys are also experienced in drafting policies for health care providers including policies for records retention; HIPAA; and HITECH.
Rick Law attorneys continually educate a variety of groups on liability and risk issues. Our lawyers are regularly available to speak on a wide variety of topics related to liability and risk issues.
Our attorneys deliver conscientious service, attention to detail, and a practical approach to the representation of health care providers. Call our office at 610-850-9036 or send us an email so we can put our legal knowledge to work for you.